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πŸ’³ How to resolve smartcard issues
Rupert Moreton avatar
Written by Rupert Moreton
Updated over 7 months ago

❓ You should only need to use this article if you have seen a smartcard synchronisation error during onboarding. You should be directed to the section which resolves the specific smartcard error. If you have not, please use the table of contents to find the error message which is most appropriate for the issue we are having.

πŸ™‹ Please get in touch with us if you are stuck!

ODS code not present on smartcard Identity Agent

We have had issues during synchronisation, where your ODS code is not showing within our Identity Agent.

Example screenshot above.

To resolve this:

  • Please apply an Admin Staff member role to the smartcards requested and ensure it has been approved by the RA

  • Please follow these instructions. Do get in touch with us if you have any issues whilst doing this. [Note, if your practice is within Greater Manchester ICB, you do not need to do this πŸ™‚]

Sign in to EMIS failed

We have had issues when using the requested Username / Password combination for syncronising the EMIS account.

Example screenshot above.

To resolve this, please:

  • Check that you have created EMIS accounts. Please use this form as a guide, checking the requested cards as requested on the Healthtech1 Hub. Please ensure you create an EMIS account for EACH Smartcard requested.

  • Double check the Username / Password provided to us is accurate and get back in touch with any updates. Note, you will not be able to sync these cards unless we know of any changes to the accounts details.

EMIS CDB did not match set up

We have had issues during synchronisation, where we check that the EMIS CDB number matches the one provided during setup.

To ensure this is correct, and before trying to sync again, please click on 'Your practice' and check the EMIS CDB field.

Example screenshot above.

Insufficient permission to perform registrations

We have had issues during synchronisation, where it doesn't appear as though we have sufficient access rights to register a patient.

You may have allocated the smartcards to a role which does not meet the minimum requirements for registering patients. To resolve, please:

  • Log on to the Care Identity Management portal

  • Find the smartcards which are having these issues

  • Check the role allocated to the card which is causing issues

  • If this role is:

    • The 'Healthtech-1 Digital Assistant' role, then the RA has created the required role incorrectly. Please email them again requested that they re-create the role, in-line with the original email you sent them.

    • Not 'Healthtech-1 Digital Assistant', and called something like 'Admin' or a role you would usually allocate a member of staff, you will need to remove this role first as it is causing issues without having high enough access to register patients. Once this is done:

      • Add on a new role which has appropriate permissions. This may be something like 'Higher Level Admin'.

SystmOne profile error

We have had issues during synchronisation, where it doesn't appear as though we have the correct SystmOne profile name.

Example screenshot above.

To ensure this is correct, and before trying to sync again, please click on 'Your practice' and check the SystmOne Profile name. *Note - please contact us to change this for you once you have found the right name*

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