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๐Ÿ’Œ Patient communications

Here's the messaging we send patients about their registrations...

Matthew Payne avatar
Written by Matthew Payne
Updated over a week ago

When patients complete the registration form, they're kept in the loop with the progress of their registration. Patients receive updates from us by text and email.

1. Patient starts but doesn't complete the registration form

  • As patients are filling out the form, we are monitoring whether they do not complete it or drop out and send a 'nudge' for them to finish registering.

2. Registration form received

  • Once we have received the patient's registration form, we will send them a text and an email confirming this and let them know it will take us 2 working days to process the form.

    • Psst. It usually takes less than 24 hours but we like to underpromise and overdeliver ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • If the registration cannot be automated requiring either a check of patient information or a manual registration, the patients will receive another message (please see Registration has to be completed manually below).

3. Welcome message once registered

  • Once the patient is registered at the practice, they will receive the following welcome notification:

4. First GP welcome

  • If a patient is new to the country and your practice is their first GP, they are given an option to submit additional documents to you. Uploading documents is optional and is not mandated prior to registration.

5. Registration has to be completed manually by practice

  • Patients who cannot be registered automatically will receive a message saying that their registration might take up to 7 working days

    • โ˜๐ŸปThese registrations sometimes need to be done manually but more often, they can be passed back for automation, you will just need to check that the patient details are correct on the Spine.

6. Baby (under 8 weeks) welcome

  • This message is sent to the guardians of babies under 8 weeks to inform them that the child is now registered at the practice and providing them with the name of their GP.

  • They are also invited to contact the practice to book a new baby health check.

7. Child (8w - 6) welcome

  • This message would be sent out to the guardian of the child who is between 8 weeks and 6 years.

  • Guardians of children are asked to upload the Baby Red Book onto the Hub. This document is not automatically uploaded onto the patient record, but you are able to access and download this from the Hub

8. Child (6-16) welcome

  • This message is sent to the guardians of children aged 6-16 to inform them that the child is now registered at the practice and providing them with the name of their GP.

9. Already registered patients welcome

  • The patients who are already registered at the practice will not be re-registered. Any new details they have provided on the form will be updated and they will be give a link to their GP services.

10. Returning patients welcome

  • Patients who have left the practice and decided to return will be sent a standard welcome message.

11. Out of area patients welcome

  • Patients that are outside of your primary catchment area.

12. Registration has been ignored by practice

Patients who you choose not to register and mark as ignored in the Hub.

13. Veterans advice email

  • Patients who say they are an Armed Forces Veteran on the registration form receive this email with resources on services available through the NHS for veterans.

14. Smoking cessation advice

Patients that have requested for smoking cessation advice will receive this email directing them to NHS Better Health - Quit Smoking

15. Carers advice

Patients that have requested for carers advice will receive this email directing them to NHS - Support and benefits for carers

16. National opt out

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