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πŸ” Find a patient

In just a few clicks you can find the patient's registration you're looking for.

Matthew Payne avatar
Written by Matthew Payne
Updated over a year ago

When will I need to find a patient's registration?

The fastest way to find a patient's registration is by searching the Hub. This is important if you need to track down a hidden registration - like when a patient registers and needs an urgent appointment for example - before it's automated.

How do I find a registration?

You can use the πŸ”Ž Find a patient button at the top of the Hub to search all registrations. You can search by date of birth or last name.

How will I know what's happening with a registration?

When you use πŸ”Ž Find a patient, you're able to find all registration forms - including ones that have only just been submitted by a patient before the automation works on it. You'll see registrations have different statuses.

When a patient's registration has only recently been submitted and the automation hasn't started on it yet, you'll see this status...

If a registration has been completed manually, you'll see this status...

If a registration has already been automated, you'll see this status...

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