The Local Form, designed and built by Healthtech-1, allows you to ask tailored questions to meet local incentive needs and serve your new patients. You can check out the full list of questions below! π
The Local Form starts with these mandatory questionsπ
Why are you registering today?
Why are you registering today?
Patients can select one from the following options:
New to the country
Moved house
Dissatisfied with previous GP practice
Previous GP practice permanently closed
New nursing home or residential home resident
Attending university
Attending boarding school
A newborn baby
Prefer not to say
How satisfied were you with your previous practice?
How satisfied were you with your previous practice?
Rating scale:
Very satisfied
Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Do you have any feedback for your previous practice?
Do you have any feedback for your previous practice?
Free text response for patient to answer
Here are the questions you can choose to ask your patients. Feel free to turn any question on or off through your Hub under under Settings > Local Form Settings.
Click on the arrow to the left of each question to view patient response options!
Main spoken language questions:
Main spoken language questions:
What is your main spoken language?
Patients can select one from a list of options.
About your main spoken language:
Free text response when the patient states their main spoken language is 'Other'.
Do you live in a residential care home or a nursing home?
Do you live in a residential care home or a nursing home?
Patients can select one from the following options:
Yes, residential care home
Yes, nursing home with qualified nurses on site
Yes, as a staff member
What is your religion?
What is your religion?
Patients can select one from the following options:
Prefer not to say
What is your sexual orientation?
What is your sexual orientation?
Patients can select one from the following options:
Heterosexual or Straight
Other sexual orientation not listed
Not sure or undecided
Prefer not to say
Information not known
Do any of the following apply to you (options of special circumstances)?
Do any of the following apply to you (options of special circumstances)?
Patients can select multiple from the following options:
Approaching end of life
Asylum seeker
Experiencing homelessness
Victim of domestic abuse
Or, none
Do you receive support for any other professional agency?
Do you receive support for any other professional agency?
Patients can select multiple from the following options:
Probation services
Domestic abuse services
Adult social care services
Mental health services
Or, none
Who do you care for and how do you provide care for them?
Who do you care for and how do you provide care for them?
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they are a young, foster, or unpaid carer.
Free text response
Would you like free carers advice and support?
Would you like free carers advice and support?
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they are a young, foster, or unpaid carer.
Would you like free smoking advice and support?
Would you like free smoking advice and support?
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they smoke cigarettes.
Do you use a vape or e-cigarette?
Do you use a vape or e-cigarette?
No, but I used to
No, I have never used one
Blood pressure questions:
Blood pressure questions:
Do you have a measure of your blood pressure within the last 6 months?
What is your blood pressure reading? Please enter your recent blood pressure measurement taken in the last 6 months e.g., 120/80.
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they know their recent blood pressure reading.
Free text response (answer required in the above format)
How much exercise do you do?
How much exercise do you do?
Rating scale:
Exercise physically impossible
Avoids even trivial exercise
Enjoys light exercise
Enjoys moderate exercise
Enjoys heavy exercise
Competitive athlete
Pregnancy questions:
Pregnancy questions:
Are you pregnant?
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they are of the female sex.
What is your due date?
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they are pregnant.
Are you booked in with maternity services?
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they are pregnant.
Which maternity services are you booked in with?
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they are pregnant and booked in with maternity services.
Free text response
Smear testing questions:
Smear testing questions:
Do you know the date of your last cervical screening (smear) test?
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they are of the female sex and are aged between 24-65.
This is not relevant for me
Prefer not to day
When was your last cervical screening (smear) test? The exact date is not important, just the month and year.
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they know the date of their last smear test.
Box to enter the date
Contraceptive devices/implants questions:
Contraceptive devices/implants questions:
Do you use any of the following contraception?
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they are of the female sex and are aged over 13.
Hormonal coil - IUS (intrauterine system)
Non hormonal copper coil - IUD (intrauterine device)
Contraceptive implant
Any other contraception
Do you know the brand name of this contraception?
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they use a contraceptive device/implant.
What is the brand name of this contraception?
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they know the brand name of their contraceptive device/implant.
Hormonal coil - Jaydess
Hormonal coil - Kyleena
Hormonal coil - Levosert
Hormonal coil - Mirena
Non-hormonal copper coil - Ancora 375 Ag
Non-hormonal copper coil - Ancora 375 Cu
Non-hormonal copper coil - Copper T 380A
Non-hormonal copper coil - Cu-Safe T300
Non-hormonal copper coil - Flexi-T 300
Non-hormonal copper coil - Flexi-T + 380
Non-hormonal copper coil - GyneFix
Non-hormonal copper coil - Load 375
Non-hormonal copper coil - Mini TT 380 Slimline
Non-hormonal copper coil - Multiload Cu375
Non-hormonal copper coil - Multi-Safe 375
Non-hormonal copper coil - Multi-Safe 375 Short Stem
Non-hormonal copper coil - Neo-Safe T380
Non-hormonal copper coil - Novaplus T 380 Ag
Non-hormonal copper coil - Novaplus T 380 Cu
Non-hormonal copper coil - Nova-T 380
Non-hormonal copper coil - Optima T 380 Cu
Non-hormonal copper coil - T-Safe 380A QuickLoad
Non-hormonal copper coil - TT 380 Slimline
Non-hormonal copper coil - UT 380 Short
Non-hormonal copper coil - UT 380 Standard
Contraceptive implant - Nexplanon
Hormonal coil (IUS) - other
Non-hormonal copper coil (IUD) other
Contraceptive implant - other
Do you know the date when it is due to be removed?
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they use a contraceptive device/implant.
When is your contraception due to be removed? The exact date is not important, just the month and year.
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they know the date when it is due to be removed.
Box to enter the date
Do you have any family history of these conditions?
Do you have any family history of these conditions?
Patients can select multiple from the following options:
Heart Disease
High Blood Pressure
Kidney Disease
Liver Disease
If you have previously been registered with a UK Armed Forces GP, what role were you registered as?
If you have previously been registered with a UK Armed Forces GP, what role were you registered as?
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they have previously been registered with a UK Armed Forces GP. Patients can select from the following options:
Armed forces reservist
Active duty military
Member of military family
Family of active serving member of the Armed Forces Reserves
Royal Navy veteran
Royal Marines veteran
Army veteran
Royal Air Force veteran
I have not served in the UK Armed Forces
Armed forces enlistment questions:
Armed forces enlistment questions:
What is your enlistment date to the Armed Forces?
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they have previously been registered with a UK Armed Forces GP.
What date did you or will you leave the Armed Forces?
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they have previously been registered with a UK Armed Forces GP.
What university do you attend?
What university do you attend?
We will only ask this if the patient stated that they attend university. Note: you must have turned on the applicable student questions on NHS profile manager first.
Free text response
What is the best way to contact you when it comes to your medical circumstances?
What is the best way to contact you when it comes to your medical circumstances?
Patient can select multiple from the following options:
Home phone
Mobile phone (includes SMS)
Work phone
Video calling
Letter to home address
Letter to temporary address
No preference
Prefer not to say
Can we contact you about updates at the practice?
Can we contact you about updates at the practice?
Patients can select multiple from the following options:
Yes - email and text
Yes - text only
Yes - email only
Would you like to be part of our Patient Participation Group?
Would you like to be part of our Patient Participation Group?
Would you like this practice to view data that is recorded about you at other NHS organisations?
Would you like this practice to view data that is recorded about you at other NHS organisations?
We will only ask this if you use systmOne as a clinical system.
Would you like to share a more detailed history of your GP data with other NHS organisations?
Would you like to share a more detailed history of your GP data with other NHS organisations?
We will only ask this if you use systmOne as a clinical system.
Would you like to be tested for HIV?
Would you like to be tested for HIV?
Would you like to be tested for chlamydia?
Would you like to be tested for chlamydia?
How satisfied are you with this registration process?
How satisfied are you with this registration process?
Rating scale:
Very satisfied
Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
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