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💙 NHS England registrations

If your practice is automating NHS England registrations, here's some more info on how this works...

Seoyeon avatar
Written by Seoyeon
Updated this week

We're able to link up behind the scenes with the NHS registrations inbox and automate registrations from the Register with a GP Surgery service. There's no difference in what you pay when we automate NHS registrations.

How do we begin automating the NHS registrations?

  1. Go to the Settings page of the Hub

  2. Choose your practice

  3. Go to Form Settings

  4. Toggle on receiving registrations from Find a GP and the NHS App

The NHS team will send you an email when this has been set up. If you'd like to disable this, you'll need to contact us. If you need to change any settings for NHS registrations, you can do this from the NHS Profile Manager.

❗️Please keep manually registering patients from the PDF forms until you have received this email!

Where will we find these registrations?

You'll see these registrations in the Hub, in exactly the same way as the rest of your automated registrations! We'll identify which registrations are from the NHS service…

What about the emails with the registrations from NHS Digital?

You'll continue to receive registration notification emails with the PDF forms from the NHS. But you won't need these anymore!

You can set up rules in Outlook to automatically file these away to a folder or archive.

Data Capture Differences

You might notice a difference in what is captured and coded from the NHS online registration form, compared with patients who complete the Healthtech-1 Registration Form.


  1. Why are you registering today?

  2. Is your gender identity the same as the sex you were registered at birth?

  3. What’s your sexual orientation?

  4. Your religion?Who do you care for and how do you provide care for them?

  5. Would you like free carers advice and support?

  6. What were you registered as [in the Armed Forces]?

  7. What is your enlistment date?

  8. Are you happy for this to be shared [Reasonable Adjustments] with other organisations in the NHS and social care that will be involved in your care?

  9. Do you live in a residential care home or a nursing home?

  10. Does the child live with the person with parental responsibility of care arrangement at {address}?

  11. What’s their email address [the PPR’s]?

  12. When did permission of care start [the PPR’s]?

  13. Are they your next of kin [the PPR’s]?

  14. Previous first/last name?

  15. Would you like to keep your current pharmacy?

  16. What’s the best way to contact you when it comes to your medical circumstances?

  17. Can we contact you about updates at the practice?

  18. How happy are you with this registration process?

  19. What are you university course start and end dates?

  20. Would the patient like a blood borne virus screening test?

  21. How much exercise do you do?

  22. How many cigarettes did you or the patient smoke per day?

  23. Would you like free smoking advice and support?

  24. FAST - In the last year, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of drinking?

  25. FAST - In the last year, how often have you forgotten what happened because you had been drinking?

  26. FAST - In the last year, has a relative, friend, doctor or other health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested that you cut down?

  27. Would the patient like to be tested for HIV?

  28. Would the patient like to be tested for Chlamydia?

  29. Would you like to be part of our Patient Participation Group?

  30. Do any of these special circumstances apply? (Homelessness, Asylum, etc)

  31. Do you consent for your data to be shared in/shared out? (S1 sharing)

NHS E may enrich some of this data from other data sources.

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